If you are a business owner or entrepreneur, then you’ve likely thought about workspaces. Maybe the thought of going back to a traditional office after working from home fills you with dread, because of the commute. Suburban coworking spaces are changing this.

This is a valid concern. You’re certainly not alone in this thought, especially considering so many companies are fighting to bring people back into the office when people love working from home. Perhaps though, coworking is right for you, particularly suburban coworking spaces.

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The Rise of Suburban Coworking Spaces

Working from home became the norm. A lot of people are use to cutting their commute time, which saves the environment.

But working at home doesn’t work for everyone. Some people just want to be around other like-minded people. Workspace locations close to home makes a big difference.

Shorter Commutes

One of the downsides of the daily work commute is the amount of effort to get to and from work. It is even worse now since so many people love working remotely. It has really changed people’s perspective on the work and commuting situation.

Suburban coworking gives you an actual office. Plus you are close to other hard working business owners and entrepreneurs, but you avoid the brutal traffic of driving into a downtown setting. Cycling, walking, or a quick bus ride sound a whole lot more enticing. These types of suburban coworking spaces enable people to work closer to home, improving work/life balance

Boosting That Sense of Community

Coworking spaces creates an environment that invites members from all industries. Because of this set up, they can collaborate better. There is an exchange of business ideas that takes place, and solutions discovered.

At Waterman, they get this. Waterman strives to make meaningful connections in the community between all the members. This support has helped raised overall moral which directly improves productivity.

You can build better connections with your own neighbors when you stay closer to where you live. The benefit too, is coworking spaces are amazing locations for networking opportunities to take place. Local coworking spaces provide flexibility for such things.

Better Work-Life Balance Through Suburban Coworking Spaces

Working in big cities does have perks. But the reality is that is can be draining, especially if the big city energy pulls you in and takes over your mindset.

Being in a suburban area is far more relaxed and calm. You get to set up your own schedule for the day. Flexibility enables members to pop out to take care of mid-day errands that might need to happen.

There’s even time to run those errands as needed because it feels so close to home and saves on commuting costs.

Increased Work Productivity

Home distractions make it really difficult to work for some business professionals. Plus at home, people don’t often have ideal settings in place. It could just be uncomfortable not having an ideal setting.

Suburban areas helps solve all of this for the business owner and professional. Travel isn’t bad at all. Long commutes, like driving long distances to the central business districts, won’t drain all of your precious time and energy.

You’ll start to find, the positive, upbeat setting of coworking spaces will help grow your business. Plus the shared networking of minds really can produce some unexpected results, all for the positive. The use of a shared workspace can improve many areas, not just productivity.

Suburban Settings Improve Overall Lifestyles

Everything about a major metropolitan city is at a higher cost. The cost of eating, even grocery shopping, can be quite a bit higher. With a work commute into the heart of a downtown center, it can be draining just to get to these destinations after work.

Suburbs tends to be much less crowded, especially when we are speaking about the heart of these locations. More room allows more people to just breathe a little more easily. There tends to be more green space and clean air to clear your mind.

You can feel more tranquility in suburban locations too. Suburbs are safer statistically compared to other major metropolitan regions. This can lead to improved work-life balance, including easier access to your kids soccer games.

SUCCESS Space® is Meeting Demand

The market has shifted and now there is so much more demand. It is very obvious and also very real when it comes to getting to that preferred and needed coworking environment. This all takes place through what SUCCESS Space® does.

It might surprise you to hear this is being led by a multi-billion dollar brand named, eXp Holdings, Inc. What is cool, is you have direct access to on-site business coaches with SUCCESS. They will truly give advice and insight for those serious about growing themselves.

This shift has really changed where remote workers want to be. Even cities like Los Angeles and San Francisco have people thinking more and more about locations that allow them to work closer to their actual homes.

It’s About More Than Just Shared Workspaces

What if you could merge several types of experiences and connections into one location. SUCCESS Space® locations is changing all of this by having coworking areas and full on cafe offerings. They are offering a really robust variety of food and drink.

You are working smarter, connecting closer and working in your best way possible, when you’re networking with the people you are meant to network with, through a coworking setting. This provides much better real estate usage than a traditional lease, or home office.

SUCCESS Space Membership Perks
Type of Offer Benefit
Rent By The Minute Members control their expenses on spaces.
Metaverse World Better overall and easier connection options that is not a Zoom call.
Coaching Professionals help coach members at any stage of their career or business journey.
Cafe Options Variety of hot and cold food, snack and drink options for purchase.

Professional Growth Close To Home

It is possible to have the major corporate resource options you only imagined was for a Fortune 500 type business. eXp Holdings is a powerhouse when it comes to leading development both on the people and professional sides. Since they’ve been a voice of success, going on nearly 125 years of time, SUCCESS Enterprises knows a thing or two.

They know about improving collaboration and how people think about work. You might feel on the edge of what’s happening. What really matters is this approach gives you all these tools, right by your home.

This approach caters to independent professionals, including freelancers. There is plenty of expected continued growth as part of the changing and growing contingent workforce.

Facilitating Critical Conversation For Any Sized Team

It starts in the mind and connects at so many different layers. The brand of SUCCESS has fully integrated this whole approach, making an entirely new concept. Coworking is more than just work, they give access to the World metaverse that takes it all into a full circle type thinking for how work is done.

With all the talk of people moving from urban centers to the suburbs, this is great for overall industry growth. Even cities like Coral Gables have taken notice.

A Meeting of Minds and Ideas, Without the Crowds

No matter your purpose or need, SUCCESS understands. From coffee, business needs to social gatherings, a better place is provided to truly connect with others.

The metaverse isn’t all there is to improve connections. Through their local coworking locations they host contemporary spaces that people can network with, collaborate with and simply talk more. These spaces provide flexibility that a traditional lease at an office would never provide.

The shared workspace industry growth is seeing some incredible changes, but the idea remains. A space for many people to work and meet without major distractions that come from working at home. Coworking spaces provide the right type of environment.


The trend for suburban coworking spaces has certainly increased over recent years. The need to connect and stay professional continues to evolve, although with major advancements, by the help and leadership of SUCCESS.

You don’t need to be isolated and your professional needs have support options. When it comes to growing your business and network, the answer has a name and it is a full-scale answer. The global coworking market has shown a major change, which directly shows and speaks to the cultural shifts happening today.